Delta Equine

"Setting the PACE for the journey to a balanced life."

“Horses understand what we are trying to do. They are in agreement with it. They understand our hopes, prayers, and dreams. Horses understand these songs.”
Rudy Shebala (Navajo)
Because a horse can not lie, working with horses creates opportunities for us to be honest with others and ourselves. An initial step in transforming a life is honesty. A Delta is a horse or person who strives to live in a state of peace, harmony, balance, and justice. To make such a life possible, a Delta uses “power” for the good of all. This “power” is not aggressive, destructive, controlling or possessive, but transforms the individual or collective body to gain liberty and freedom from that which threatens to destroy the mind, body, and spirit.
The life of a Delta is characterized by P.A.C.E. Patience with others and self; Acceptance of others and self; Consistency in behavior across all settings; and, Empathy in action with a purpose. Dare to be a Delta!

Equine Bodywork: A Symphony of Motion
Equine Bodywork is an interactive method for alleviating soreness, strain, and tension. Candidates for this type of work could include any breed, any size, any discipline and horses currently struggling with issues and those you wish to keep from struggling with issues. The results may include improved movement, performance, suppleness, mobility, and comfort. In addition to a more mobile, balanced, supple horse - you will have a happy horse.
"Find it, fix it, leave it alone. Let nature do the rest."
A.T. Still
Leadership Development
Excellent leaders and high performance teams are essential for organizational health and success. Our interactive experiential leadership and team development programs are designed to strengthen the social and emotional intelligence needed for leaders and team members to be more effective, self-aware, and accountable.